- Audience
- Graduate students in numerate disciplines from cosmology to economics
- Who understand very basic statistics (mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient)
- And have manipulated data in spreadsheets and with interactive tools like SAS
- But have not programmed beyond CPD (copy-paste-despair)
- Constraints
- One full day 09:00-16:00
- 05:30 teaching time
- 1:00 for lunch
- 0:30 total for two coffee breaks
- Learners use native installs on their own machines
- No dependence on other Carpentry modules
- In particular, must not require knowledge of shell or version control
- Use the Jupyter Notebook
- Authentic tool used by many instructors
- There isn’t really an alternative
- And means that even people who have seen a bit of Python before
will probably learn something
- Data
- Focus on programming, not data viz/analysis. We cover that in the R part
- Exercises will mostly not be “write this code from scratch”
- Want lots of short exercises that can reliably be finished in allotted time
- So use MCQs, fill-in-the-blanks, Parsons Problems, “tweak this code”, etc.
- Lesson materials
- Notes for instructors and self-study will be written in Markdown
- Learners will be provided with one Notebook per episode containing exercises
Desired Results
- Get learners to the stage decribed in the “Software” section of
“[Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing][good-enough]”.
- Goals
- Make it easy for people (including your future self) to understand and (re)use your code
- Modular, comprehensible, reusable, and testable all come together
- Rules
- Every analysis step is represented textually (complete with parameter values)
- Every program or script has a brief explanatory comment at the start
- Programs of all kinds (including “scripts”) are broken into functions
- No duplication
- Functions and variables have meaningful names
- Dependencies and requirements are explicit (e.g., a requirements.txt file)
- This rule is not covered in this lesson
- Commenting/uncommenting are not routinely used to control program behavior
- Use a simple example or test data set to run to tell if it’s working at all
and whether it gives a known correct output for a simple known input
- Submit code to a reputable DOI-issuing repository upon submission of paper,
just like data
- This rule is not covered in this lesson
- Enable them to make sense of other onlines tutorials and resources
Summative Assessment
- Midpoint:
- Final: Given a 2-3 page program to extract data from GenBank files:
- Find and fix a bug in the feature scan code
- Add an option to export found features to a CSV file for use in spreadsheet programs
Essential Questions
How do I…
- …read, analyze, and manipulate GenBank files / genome data?
- …process multiple data sets?
- …tell if my program is working correctly?
- …fix it when it’s not?
- …find and use software other people have written instead of writing my own?
Learners Will Be Able To…
- Run code interactively
- Run code saved in a file
- Write single-condition
- Convert between basic data types (integer, float, string)
- Call built-in functions
- Use
and online documentation
- Import a library using an alias
- Call something from an imported library
- Read tabular data into an array or data frame
- Do collective operations on arrays and data frames
- Interpret common error messages
- Track down bugs by running small tests of program modules
- Write non-recursive functions taking a fixed number of named parameters
- Create literate programs in the Jupyter Notebook
Learners Will Know…
- That a program is a piece of lab equipment that implements an analysis
- Needs to be validated/calibrated before/during use
- Makes analysis reproducible, reviewable, shareable
- That programs are written for people, not for computers
- Meaningful variable names
- Modularity for readability as well as re-use
- No duplication
- Document purpose and use
- That there is no magic: the programs they use are no different
in principle from those they build
- How to assign values to variables
- What integers, floats, strings, and data frames are
- How to trace the execution of a
- How to create and index lists
- How to trace the execution of
- The difference between defining and calling a function
- What a call stack is
- Where to find documentation on standard libraries
- How to find out what else scientific Python offers
Learning Plan
Step-by step learning plan to help design the episodes.
- Running and Quitting Interactively (09:00)
- Teaching: 15 min (because setup issues)
- Exercises: 0 min (accounted for in teaching time - no separate exercise)
- Run the Notebook
- Create a few Markdown cells
- Create and execute a Python cell that prints 1+2
- Variables and Assignment (09:15)
- Teaching: 5 min
- Exercises: 5 min
- Trace behavior of swapping (
a, b = b, a
the old fashioned way)
with an intermediate variable
- Calculate elapsed time in seconds using named values for seconds per minute, etc.
- Data Types and Type Conversion (09:25)
- Teaching: 5 min
- Exercises: 5 min
- Predict result types (or errors) of various operations
- Add conversion functions to broken code to make it work
- Built-in Functions (and Methods) and Help (09:35)
- Teaching: 10 min
- Exercises: 10 min
- Chain calculations with max and min
- Find a useful method using help(str)
- Parsons Problem to achieve specific results with string methods
- Error Messages (09:55)
- Teaching: 5 min (review of error messages seen to date)
- Exercises: 10 min
- Diagnose and fix small errors (some syntax, some runtime)
- Libraries (Including Aliases) (10:10)
- Teaching: 5 min
- Exercises: 5 min
- Operations with math library
- Look things up in the docs
- Coffee: 15 min (10:20)
- Lists (10:35)
- Teaching: 10 min
- Exercises: 10 min
- Indexing exercises
- Conversion from list to string and back
- Sum values in a list
- For Loops (10:55)
- Teaching: 10 min
- Exercises: 10 min
- Reverse a string by repeated append
- Trace execution of loop
- Conditionals (11:15)
- Teaching: 5 min (inside loop)
- Exercises: 10 min
- Count vowels
- Report badly-sized files inside loop
- Intro to Biopython (11:30)
- Teaching: 15 min
- Exercises: 15 min
- Loading the Biopython library
- Use glob.glob to find files
- Parsing sequence files
- Extract features from SeqRecords
- Compare sets of EC numbers
- Lunch: 60 min (12:00)
- Writing Functions (13:00)
- Teaching: 10 min
- Exercises: 15 min
- Check size of a single data file
- Check sizes of all data files in a directory
- Write new function using previous function
- Programming Style (13:25)
- Teaching: 10 min (mostly to introduce checklist)
- Exercises: 15 min
- Clean up badly-written 20-line program
- Debugging (13:50)
- Teaching: 10 min (divide and conquer)
- Exercises: 15 min
- Debug three-function program
- Defensive Programming (14:15)
- Teaching: 5 min
- Exercises: 10 min
- Add assertions to functions based on docstrings
- Coffee: 15 min (14:30)
- Reading Tabular Data (14:45)
- Teaching: 5 min
- Exercises: 10 min
- Read one continent’s subset of gapminder CSV data
- Callout:
- How to read data from Excel spreadsheets via export to CSV
- How to read data from Excel spreadsheets directly (needs another library)
- Pandas Data Frames (15:00)
- Teaching: 10 min
- Exercises: 10 min
- Import Pandas
- Create and display a data frame
- Next Steps (15:20)
- Teaching: 15 min
- Excercises: 0 min
- Wrap-Up (15:40)
- Teaching: 15 min
- Overview of key SciPy modules
- How to find and install libraries
- Running Python from the command line
- Other editing tools
- Exercises: 0 min
- Finish (15:55)